“Researching media arts histories and cultures means keeping up simultaneously with three large areas of human development; art, science and technology, and that is, I admit — a massive task. Having an opportunity of being a associate scholar at the MediaAC centre of excellence, means having an opportunity to be updated almost by an automatism of interdisciplinary, international and inter-mediary discussions among students and professors.I see my own task here, as an art historian methodologist, advocating both theoretical and practical methods of analysis in humanities, in helping students to accept mechanisms of analysis that emerged with new media, that are unique to the field, but also in transmission of the joy of revisions of already established data-knowledge, inherent to all dynamic fields of knowledge – media art surely is. And I try to help students to enjoy testing, experimenting, revising, but also writing and sharing pieces that other active minds would enjoy reading too.”Ana Peraica / MediaAC guest scholar / Croatia & Netherlands