Process and Timetable – for reference only
Application to MediaAC programme takes place electronically via the MediaAC online application system. Application period for participation with an Erasmus+ scholarship is approximately open from October to December in the year before the next start.
After you have entered all your data and documents in the MediaAC application database and have submitted your application, you will receive an acknowledgement of receipt by e-mail, sent to the e-mail-address you entered into the application database. For technical reasons, this acknowledgement of receipt may take some time.
Your application is then checked for eligibility. If you do not meet the eligibility criteria defined by the Erasmus+ Programme (section “Erasmus+ Scholarships for Students”) or if you do not meet our admission requirements or if the application documents are incomplete or do not comply with formal requirements, your application will be rejected and you will receive a notice via e-mail. We highly advise applicants to submit in time for the Early Acceptance Deadline. No additions or changes can be made to the application documents after the January deadline unless requested from the MediaAC Secretariat.
Timetable for applications for Erasmus+ Scholarship
Eligible applications will be reviewed by members of the MediaAC Consortium Partners (January/February) according to our assessment criteria. The MediaAC Admission Board will then select applicants and propose a scholarship main list and a scholarship reserve list to communicate to the EACEA. Until end of March, all applicants will be contacted via e-mail and be informed on their application status (i.e. if their application is on the main list, on the reserve list, or has been rejected).
The approval of the scholarship lists by the EACEA is expected in March or April at the latest. Only after this approval can the MediaAC Consortium officially offer Erasmus+ scholarships to successful applicants. Successful applicants on the scholarship main list will be notified via e-mail, and will be asked to accept the scholarship offer by uploading a special enrollment form. At the same time they will be asked to hand in documents necessary for their admission (within appr. three to four weeks, depending on the case).
Applicants on the scholarship reserve list will again be contacted in case their application is moved to the main list. If MediaAC consortium expects no further changes to the scholarship main list the main list will closed in mid April.
Right to Appeal
We also would like to inform all applicants who submit eligible documents by the given deadline on your right to appeal. The purpose of this appeal is to verify that our rules of procedure have been applied correctly and that no error has been made while processing your application. You are therefore asked to state a reason why you think our rules of procedure have NOT been applied correctly in your case. The appeal must be provided within 14 days after a rejection letter for a scholarship has been send to you. An appeal has to be in written form (signed paper letter) and has to be addressed by registered mail to:
MediaAC Secretariat
University for Continuing Education Krems
Center for Image Science (CIS)
Dr.-Karl-Dorrek-Straße 30
3500 Krems
updated 17.Oct.2019